Sunday, December 16, 2007
Pleasant Surprise
i just couldn't describe the card she handmade in one word; rather, 2 words best suits it: equisitely elegant.
thank you ms. marian & happy holidays to you & your family, too.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Off to the Post Office
Saturday, December 01, 2007
What To Do On a Holiday?
i decided to do something productive on a friday, a holiday.
i remember my sister asked me to make christmas cards to be sold at her store. what, me? mass produce? not quite. i managed to make 22 cards using purely stash. the only things i bought were the envelopes & the protective plastics. i will do some more depending on the demand.
materials used: cs: white, green & red bazzill;
pps: pc slab, chatterbox, mem block 3 & 4, punch studio holiday kit;
ink: tsukineko brilliance black, cb chestnut roan, red & green inkadinkado;
stamps: inkadinkado;
misc: deco art twinkle glitter, ribbons, blings, eyelets;
7 Random Facts
i'm playing along with this tag from arnie.
instructions: each player starts with 7 random habits/facts about themselves. people who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. at the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!
7 random facts about me:
1. i'm an OC.
2. i can stand in a place even w/o tv or internet connection. but please, leave me something to read. exception: anything academic.
3. i love grocery-shopping. it's so therapeutic for me.
4. i'm an ambidextrous.
5. i married at 30 y.o. , way, way early my plan to get hitched at 35! it's true, marriage comes like a thief in the night.
6. i earned 2 extremely opposite degrees.
7. i'm more comfortable wearing heels than flats.
A - Age: 36
B - Band Listening To Right Now: none
C - Career: loyal gov't. employee (w/ emphasis on the l)
D - Drink or Smoke: never smoked. used to drink on occasions. now, if cajoled, it has to be bailey's, tequila rose or a semi-sweet red wine
E - Easiest Friends To Talk To: my bestfriend liza p.
G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: gummy bears
H - Have a Boyfriend: husband na
I - In love: hubbyyyyyy!
J - Junk Food You Like: fita w/ spicy tuna sandwich flavor
K - Kids: none
L - Longest Ride Ever: 24 hour drive from manila to samar. i didn't blink an eye or else hubby will drive crazy.
N - Names For Your Future Kids: dannita marialuz & daenna meekaella (oh i wish!)
O - One Wish You Have Now: approval of our immigrant petition (please dear Lord!)
P - Phobias: reptiles
Q - Favorite Quote: "no pain, no gain."
R - Reasons To Smile: family
S - Sleeping Hours: 11pm-6:30am (weekdays), 10pm-5:30am (weekends)
T - Time You Woke Up: 5:30am (it's a weekend today - - - jog, aero & taebo time)
U - Unknown Fact About You: i dont' look it, but i'm so, so easy to please (read: mababaw ang kaligayahan)
V - Vegetable You Hate: none 'coz i love veggies
W - Worst Habit: i buy on first impulse (and ends up being sorry)
X-rays You’ve Had: chest
Y - Yummy Foods: pasta & pizza; veggies
Z - Zodiac Sign: taurus
postcript: allow me to break the instruction to tag 7 others. it seems that everyone has already been tagged. so, whoever gets to read this & haven't been tagged yet, consider yourself tagged.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
My First 6x6
i never got to try my hand on this until lately, albeit not of me, but of a person so dear to me - - - my super generous aunt.
my initial plan to make 6 LOs which i thought of putting together with a single ring binder, ballooned to 18 LOs in all which i put in a cutie 6x6 pioneer album. i just couldn't get my hands off my stash. yes, i just used a few left-over papers. indeed, in this craft, nothing is scrap.
here are a few:
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
It's a Bear-y Merry Christmas
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
For Uncle
or so we thought.
the night before we flew to home-sweet-home came a shocking news: uncle gerry didn't survive a massive heart attack.
i remember as a toddler, i used to cry on the short but bumpy tacloban-manila plane ride. but on our flight home on oct. 26, i cried because i dreaded to see our once lively uncle, now gone.
my father was to speak in the necrological services in behalf of his 2 sisters. but days before, he didn't assure me that he'd be able to do the task. so i prepared my own eulogy to pitch in for him.
i was glad my father stood up to the podium when his name was called. for sure, that would have what uncle gerry wanted. in ending his eulogy, he said: "this is a joyful day because my brother is already in heaven". oh how brave of him to have said that of his younger brother.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
My Scrappinmoms Idol Ride - In Brief
after the scrapfest over a month ago, time flew so fast 'coz of the many things i had to do. not even close to 1/8 of what i need to accomplish, i'm giving myself a break.
so i thought of posting the layouts i did for the scrapinmoms idol contest. honestly, i can't, even until now, believe i made it through the 8 rounds, all in all.
elimination round: scraplift your idol - this is the very first time i lifted a layout. oh my, it's so very liberating. i think i'll be doing a lot of scraplifting soon.
tiffany tillman's shonuff was my first choice.
i figured this picture would do well against a plain background.
this is my first time to create flowers out of my cricut.
this is my first time to use a template, and yes, experiment on doodling.
round 3: alter it! - i thought we'd just be doing layouts. i was wrong. the scrappinmoms wanted to us to do more than that. at one point i thought i'd back out because....
round 4: what's in a photo - when i read the mechanics that we have to use a photo of an inanimate object that is of significance to us, my only choice was my books. no less.
round 5: no photos allowed - what the _ _ _ k? ephemera. we had to use ephemera. it seems that the moms were pushing us to the limits. but who am i to complain?
aside from this is my first ephemera layout, i actually cried while doing this, *another sigh*.
round 6: words from the heart - since we were to use at least 3 enlarged photos in a spread layout, i thought of using a simple sketch.
i think this is my first time to pour my heart out as if to say: life's happiness doesn't always depend on all fancy and beautiful. family matters most.
final round: done for 3, short hours on october 6, 2007.
this is my first layout on an acrylic sheet. since i forgot to bring my acrylic block for stamping, i did some stamping w/o it. ouch!
going though my layouts, i realized i have done so many firsts in my scrapping life. i learned so many lessons along the way, the most important of which is never to be afraid.
so, what do i look forward to now? to do more layouts eagerly await for the future scrapfest where i can enjoy, watch and cheer the top 12 of the 2nd scrappinmoms idol do the final round.
in parting (w/ the idol topic), i'd like to salute the scrappinmoms and give my two thumbs up to the first ever idol, cabbie & the runners-up au & tin - - - truly my idols!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
You Make Me Smile!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Moving to the Final Round
i've never been the adventurous and engaging type, yet i ventured to join on last minute. to have gone through the past seven, gruelling weeks was more than adventure in itself.
the night before deadline day of round 6, i couldn't take a decent picture of my spread layout. hubby had to adjust the droplight above our dining table to provide the correct lighting (as if we know what it is). after several fixing here and there, i submitted my entry.
but lo and behold! while the 14 entries were already uploaded, mine was nowhere. my immediate reaction was that i didn't beat the 1pm deadline (as were the deadlines in the previous rounds). since i'm not good at following instructions, i thought the deadline was moved earlier and i wasn't able to read it. i thought. i thought. i thought.
good thing, april was online and i mustered the courage to ask where my entry could have been. she also didn't notice that my entry wasn't uploaded yet. in a while, she ym'd me that pia was already fixing it (oh, ty dearies!).
that was around past 2pm, thursday, sept. 20.
i got to visit the site again close before midnight. another lo and behold! when i clicked the contestants' gallery, my pathetic ID picture was still there.
my initial reaction? oh, i'm not worthy. my co-contestants from the elimination round of 36 are all amazingly talented, and to have been streamlined to 12 and still keep up, is truly unbelievable. for that, i'm deeply humbled.
in two weeks, i'll be doing LIVE my last hurrah for idol amidst my IDOLS. oh i hope the srappinmoms reserves an ambulance to standby at max's come scrapfest day.
in retrospect, i ask myself: if i can turn back the time, will i join the mom's extra challenge contest? maybe not, considering the self-imposed extreme pressure i went through; or maybe yes, considering the many lessons i learned.....ok, i'm leaning towards the latter because i remembered again TIFFANY TILLMAN's comment on my making it to top 30 after i chose to lift her (blog entry on aug. 21 below). it's truly the best pat on the shoulder an idol can give to a fan. for all these, thank you, thank you srappinmoms!
another retrospect: if i can turn back the time, i'll surely submit a much better ID picture, good enough to last 'til the final round.
on a lighter note, i've just been to scrapbukan's 3rd anniv. / SE eb at luna gardens - - - in fulfillment of my oath to breath and relax at least before the scrapfest.
true of scrapbukan events, the affair was fun-perfect, what with the shopping goodies, food, games (of which our group didn't win but still worth it), loots & prizes....speaking of which, each one of us get to go home some papers & flower embellies. and i won a raffled brag bag! if she gets to read this: thanks so much for your generosity sahrie!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
One Last Round
i didn't even expect that i'll make it to top 15. i guess it pays to follow what my heart dictates. i can't even say i have my style. my output really depends on my mood, the pictures, the papers....oh everything. i can''t even stick to a decent sketch.
of the last 5 rounds (+ elimination round), my ephemera entry hit me hard. writing the journal brought me to tears. it's never easy going back to a sad memory. i'm just overwhelmed now that i moved to the last round.
now, i need all the guts i can muster.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
I'm Two!!!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
i am guilty of not doing this myself, i mean regularly. the first time i did, i found that, aside from several papers, i haven't used these yet:
Now on to Round 5
now, i'm facing another concept so foreign to my mind: ephemera.
meanwhile, i'll have to enjoy the weekend first. not that i'm not enjoying my idol ride. it's just that i can't sleep 'til i have a definite concept in mind. don't ask now if i was able to sleep last night.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Passed Round 3 - - - Wheew!
my co-challengers are a creative bunch. my! i'm just amazed. creativity oozed to the max. i'm so proud to be among them, and honestly, i'm humbled. i feel like, do i really belong to this talented group of ladies?
oh well, after pricked and swollen fingers, my reward was a move to round 4. isn't it amazing? i'll be posting my round 4 entry after this. i can only hope for the best.
i'm pretending to be brave *sigh*.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I Survived Round 2!
i'm just overwhelmed considering that i had a hard time with the round 2 'only one color' challenge.
now, i'm on to the alter challenge. so help me God.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
My Idol in the House & Moving to Round 2!
immediately, i sent her a message to return her sweet gesture. i just had to tell her that i'm deeply honored for her 'visit', & if only for her comment, i'm already a winner.
the 'high' must have lifted me to finish my round 1 stock on cardstock entry to beat the deadline, again.
i belatedly learned on friday afternoon that i moved to round 2 - - - which makes me on top 27! God is sooo goood.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
I'm on Top 30!
but a more rewarding feat - - - you can visit . the rest of the story is there.
i really didn't plan to join the challenge, but something told me why not? and so, close to midnight before the elimination round deadline, with the 'scraplift your idol' challenge and tiffany tillman ( ) in mind, i scoured through my pictures but didn't find among my file that would suit this tifffany's layout entitled shonuff.
exasperated, my eyes chanced upon a picture frame atop our sturdy baul. yes, i got it! i had a picture to scrap at last. to cut the long story short, with the above inspiration, i finished my layout like a breeze, at 2am, deadline day.
2 days later, i learned that my tiffany-inspired layout got me to top 30. i was plainly stunned. thankful. blessed.
as i'm writing this, i have less than 48 hours to create my round 1 'stuck on cardstock' entry. believe me i'm running nuts. but it's fun. i'm keeping in mind that i'm already a winner for making it to the elimination round. and even if i did not, i think i'd still feel the same. because it's no joke to compete with the great scrappers around. to have landed in the top 30 is a bonus. if i'd move further, it will be A BONUS.
note: following contest rules, we are prohibited from posting our layouts anywhere else during the contest period while the contestant is still in the running. so you'll have to search through the scrappinmoms gallery to check all the awesome works of my fellow scrappers.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Layout - Bea
from there i rushed to honey's buzy bee booth to look for a cherry arte paper. with the time i spent at the canon booth, sorting through buzy bee, deciding how my layout will look like & cutting the paper, it seemed like i wasn't joining a time-pressured challenge. i didn't want to submit an untitled layout so i went home with my unfinished work.
2 1/2 months later, i put on the title, inked the edges & figured, this has to be the finished layout simply titled bea (sweet as sugar) :
Friday, July 20, 2007
He's Finally Mine!
yes, i have a new "he" in my life now. but he's a machine. a cutting machine. boy, i've long waited for him to arrive. finally, he's here:
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Tickle Me Pls
which makes me wonder with sheer excitement what in heavens did she hoard for me. bwahahaha!
i'm such a geek.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
A Playmate
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Missing My Sister
funny, i used to sing her to sleep when she was a baby. in retrospect, i realized that what i used to do was to carry her and swing my arms vigorously so that she'd get dizzy and...yes, sleep. now, we'd burst into laughter whenever i'd remind her of this ploy.
ours is a typical sister relationship - - - me the over protective and she the pasaway.
oh i'm happy of the many opportunities that lies ahead.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
What's Cooking?
i'm lazy. no, i'm afraid to upload pictures meanwhile that pc at home is not yet dsl-connected. which makes me wonder: does it really take ages for pldt &/or its contractor (pldt's lame excuse) to do the job? oh well, seems like.
and what's cooking, huh?
a new baby, er a baby gadget is arriving in 30 days! run forex run. and quick please.
this i don't want to wait for ages.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
To: My Man
Monday, May 07, 2007
Merry Month of May
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Look of Summer
carefree. cool yet humid. laidback.
ahhh....summer here you are!
still, even before husband & i could do our first summer pose, he got busy on the phone. but i wasn't deterred from dropping my jaw. oh poor hubby. i figure it was another office emergency. yes, even when on vacation.
Monday, March 12, 2007
A Marathon in December
the pictures means a lot to my aunt - - - during her 3 sons' toddler years, she had them enrolled in music & thereafter formed a band (golden chain - - they were popular in b.c. during the 80's). i had to make sure the album chronicles the band's events (oh, i had a hard time guessing which comes first 'coz my aunt didn't put notes in most of the pictures).
so that explains the lack of journaling (for which reason, i encouraged my aunt to put the journaling herself).
my consolation: she was so happy when she saw the final product. thanks God she's not hard to please. it must be the 'love' i put into the layouts that she saw.
{i beg for indulgence as i have yet to do some marathon learning on how to stitch while scanning; meanwhile, i've to rely on my dependable digicam}